A web accelerator is a software which accelerates a website, normally by caching its content. There are various sorts of accelerators, but in the general case this sort of apps cache static content or database responses and deliver them instead of the web server, hence boosting the performance of a website considerably. The latter is possible because accelerator programs work faster than a web server and not simply will an Internet site operate better, but the server load shall also decrease, which will allow you to run heavy websites with less resources. We provide three web accelerators with our hosting packages, which will enable you to accelerate any sort of website. In comparison, most hosting firms do not offer any web accelerators or provide one, which limits your choice of web applications in case you want to use such software.

Web Accelerators in Shared Hosting

If you buy one of our shared hosting packages, you'll have 3 widely used web accelerators at your disposal and you'll be able to access them directly via the Hepsia CP which is included with our solutions. Varnish is one of the most popular ones and it could considerably accelerate any website because it caches the pages a website visitor opens for the first time and delivers them each time that guest opens them again. Because Varnish operates much faster than any server, the loading speed of any Internet site using the accelerator shall raise significantly. Memcached is employed to cache database and API calls and responses between a website visitor and a web server, so it's much like Varnish, but is used mainly for database-driven websites. Because the site will connect to its database a lot less, the overall hosting server load will be reduced notably. The last accelerator, Node.js, is employed for scalable online apps like chats and booking Internet sites since it processes information in real time the instant it is entered on the webpage by the users. Dependant upon the package you pick, these accelerators may be available or could be an optional upgrade.